Business Committee
This consists of the Moderator, Session Clerk, Treasurer and Conveners of all other groups and committees. The Business Committee meets a week prior to the full meeting of the Kirk Session in January, March, June, September and November.
Finance and Property Committee
This committee deals with finance, stewardship and also has responsibility for the maintenance of our buildings.
Church and Community Committee
This deals with outreach to the wider community and highlights the work of Start Up Stirling, Blythswood Care, Christian Aid, Water Aid, Stirling Street Pastors and other charities. The committee also brings to the attention of the congregation emergency appeals and prepares leaflets for distribution in the parish at Christmas.
Social and Fundraising Committee
This committee organises lunches over the winter months, the annual barbecue in the Manse garden and a coach trip in the month of September.
Elders District Review Committee
This committee meets annually to consider pastoral oversight of the districts and where appropriate makes recommendations to the Kirk Session.
Pastoral Committee
This committee assists the Minister and Elders in the pastoral care of the elderly and housebound.
Eco Congregation
This group through the Church newsletter brings to the attention of the congregation matters relating to the climate and steps we can take in order to reduce our carbon footprint.
Safeguarding Panel
Along with the Safeguarding Coordinator this panel ensures that all people involved in working with children and vulnerable adults have been approved and cleared by the appropriate body
Hall Management Committee
This committee meets regularly and deals with matters relating to the hall, bookings and the setting of fees for groups and hall users.
Youth Committee
This committee is made up of Sunday Club Leaders and meets regularly to plan for Sunday Club events and Family Services.
Publicity Team
This group publicises events in the life and work of St Ninians Old both internally and externally.