From the Manse
Dear Friends,
I find it hard to believe that we are at the beginning of a new session in the life of the Church.
It is a time when organisations start up again and activities commence.
I am very grateful to the leaders in all our groups and organisations for their commitment, and I encourage you to remember them and the Church in your prayers.
In June I was discharged as Interim Moderator of Cowie and Plean Church. The congregation is now linked with Fallin and the Rev Alison Grainger is minister of the linked charge.
I continue to be Interim Moderator of Bannockburn Allan Church which is now in a deferred linkage with Bannockburn Ladywell, and will soon begin the task of finding a minister who will initially be minister of the Allan, and then, following the translation or retirement of the Rev Elizabeth Robertson, will become minister of Ladywell too.
These developments are signs that after a great deal of discussion and planning, the Church is beginning to move forward, but what of St Ninians Old?
For some years we have actively engaged in joint ventures with Park Church and Holy Rude Viewfield, and it is envisaged that in due course we will enter a more formal partnership with these congregations. In its present form, the Presbytery Mission Plan anticipates that the number of full time ministers within our partnership will go down from three to two.
I believe that working together and combining our resources is the correct thing to do as we endeavour to continue the work of Jesus Christ in an increasingly secular society, but it is also important that we continue to support our own congregation as we seek to serve those who live within our large and diverse parish. This means being faithful in our attendance at worship, in person or online, supporting the work of the Church by regularly reviewing what we give financially, and by giving freely of our time and talents to further the mission of the Church.
Though the challenges confronting us as a Church are considerable, I continue to remain positive, and this is due in no small part to your faithfulness and generosity as a congregation. It is also a consequence of the promise made by Jesus – “I will be with you always.” This promise has encouraged and strengthened God’s people in every generation and it continues to do so today.
Let us truly believe it, and look to the future believing that the best is yet to be!
Every blessing,
Your friend and minister,
Gary J McIntyre