


Sunday 1st December – First in Advent

10:30am Morning service with the Sacrament of Holy Communion.


Sunday 8th December – Second in Advent

10:30am Morning Service – Gift service led by the Rev Kenneth Russell

Mr McIntyre will be conducting the Communion service in the Allan Church in his capacity as Interim Moderator.


Sunday 15th December – Third in Advent

10:30am Morning Service

6:30pm A united Service of Lessons and Carols followed by tea, coffee, mulled wine, shortbread and mince pies in the Parish Halls.


Friday 20th December

10am St Ninians Primary School Christmas service in the Church


Sunday 22nd December – Fourth in Advent

10:30am Morning Service for all the family followed by tea, coffee, mulled wine, shortbread and mince pies in the Parish Halls


Tuesday 24th December – Christmas Eve

11:30pm Watchnight service with retiral collection for CHAS


Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day

10:30am United service in Park Church led by the Rev Gary J McIntyre


Sunday 29th December – First after Christmas

10:30am – Seasonal worship

Carol Services

Monday 16th December

2pm Roselea Court Care Home


3:30pm Westerlands Care Home


Wednesday 18th December

2pm Eccles Court


Lessons and Carols

There will be a united service in the Old Parish on Sunday 15th December at 6:30pm when we will be joined by friends from neighbouring congregations. We are delighted that the Rt Rev Dr Shaw J Paterson, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, will be with us and give a short advent address. The service will be followed by a further time of fellowship in the Parish Halls. It is hoped that as many people as possible will join us for what will be a great opportunity to celebrate the birth of our Saviour and Lord.


Services in January and February 2025

There will be a service at 10.30am every Sunday in the Church.

The children of the Sunday Club meet in the Church for the first part of the service and then go to the Parish Halls for a programme of activities.

There will be a service in Eccles Court at 2pm on Wednesday 22nd January and 26th February.

On the last Sunday of the month from January onwards, there will be a further time of prayer Those who wish to attend are invited to gather in the McMichael Chapelat approximately 11.40am.

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