


Services throughout March, April and May will be at the normal time of 10:30am on a Sunday.


There is a further time of fellowship following the service on the third Sunday of each month in the Parish Halls.


A further ‘Time for Prayer’ is held in the McMichael Chapel on the last Sunday of the month following the morning service.


The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated on Sunday, 9th March at 10:30am


On the evening of Sunday 9th March there will be a contemplative service in the McMichael Chapel at 7pm. There will be readings, a short meditation, a time of prayer and silence and some music. All will be welcome!


Eccles Court


There will be a service at 2pm on Wednesday’s 26th March, 30th April and 28th May. Each service is followed by a further time together with tea, coffee and biscuits. A big thank you to those who come along and to those who provide hospitality!


School Services


Borestone Primary School will hold their Easter Service in the School Assembly Hall on Wednesday 2nd April at 1:30pm.


St Ninians Primary School will have their Easter Service in the Church on Friday 4th April at 10am.


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