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From The Manse

From the Manse

Dear Friends,

The Moderator, the Rt Rev Dr Shaw Paterson, chose as his theme for the General Assembly, ‘Building Together.’

He made the point that as a Church we are not only called to work together, but that we are to use the many and varied gifts God has given to us, to build together and make a difference in communities the length and breadth of Scotland and beyond.

The Rev David Cameron, minister of New Laigh Kirk in Kilmarnock, and Convener of the Assembly Trustees, gave a report to the General Assembly in which he said;

"The Church is in the midst of necessary transformation. Limited resources challenge us, yet they also serve as a catalyst for innovation. Our commitment to future mission and evangelism stands undeterred.”

It was good to hear this, and a timely reminder that at this time of challenge and change we should not lose sight of our primary task, which is to share the good news of the Gospel, and to make known the love of God through the words we speak and the things we do.

When the Kirk Session reflected on comments made in response to the questionnaire that was circulated last summer, we realised, among other things, that there is a need to strengthen the link between our congregation and the community in which we are situated, and for which we have a responsibility.

As a consequence, it was agreed that we should have an ‘Open Day’ with people from the community, and others who are interested, having an opportunity to visit the Church and Parish Halls when we will share what we do as a congregation, the opportunities that exist for coming together, the organisations and groups we have, and the charities we support throughout the year.

The ‘Open Day’ will be on Saturday 21st September from 11am – 3pm and tea, coffee and home baking will be served.

If you have any ideas that will help us strengthen the link with the community or would like to be involved in planning the ‘Open Day’ please speak to me or one of the elders.

Recently, I came across words that struck a cord with me. I believe that like the words spoken by Dr Paterson and the Mr Cameron, they are particularly relevant at this time when, confronted by some rather bleak figures about membership and finance, one could be tempted to withdraw into ourselves and neglect the all-important work we have to do;

“Churches that become passionate about people outside their walls will be far more effective than churches that are passionate only about keeping the few people they have inside their walls.’ Carey Nieuwhof

Let’s all build together for the good of God’s kingdom in St Ninians and beyond, let’s be innovative, and let’s make the ‘Open Day’ one of many building blocks!

I send you my warmest good wishes and assure you of my prayers,

Every blessing,

Gary J McIntyre





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