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This Week's Intimations

Intimations Sunday 23rd February


There will be a further time of prayer in the McMichael Chapel following the service today.

Prayer requests can be attached to the Prayer Tree or placed in the box in the McMichael Chapel. Requests for prayer can also be made online via the link on the Church website.

The Tuesday Group will meet in the Parish Halls on Tuesday at 2pm. Gary will address the group. All welcome!

There will be a service in Eccles Court on Wednesday at 2pm.

The final Soup and Sandwich Lunch for this session will be held in the Parish Halls on Saturday at 12 noon. Come and join us!

Tony is taking part in a sponsored “Organathon” on Saturday 8th March to raise funds for the magnificent Caird Hall Organ in Dundee. If you can sponsor him for this event, please complete the form in the Church vestibule or contact Tony directly. Thank you.

Holy Communion will be celebrated during the morning service on Sunday 9th March. At 7pm on Sunday 9th March a Contemplative Service will be held in the McMichael Chapel. There will be a reading, short meditation, prayer, silence and some music. You are warmly invited to come along!

A Lenten Bible Study will be held on Wednesday 12th, 19th and 26th March and Tuesday 1st April. We will meet in the Church of the Holy Rude at 7pm. All welcome!

An Easter Holiday Club for primary school age children will be held in the Parish Halls on the mornings of Wednesday 9th, Thursday 10th and Friday 11th April. 10am-12:30pm. Registration forms are now available in the vestibule or can be obtained from Gary via email. ( A meeting in connection with the Holiday Club will be held in Park Church on Wednesday 4th March at 7:30pm.



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