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This Week's Intimations

Intimations Sunday 14th July 2024

The annual Church barbecue will be held in the Manse garden on Saturday from 3pm-6pm. Tickets costing £14 are available today in the McMichael Chapel.

There will be a further time of fellowship in the Parish Halls following the service next Sunday.

Volunteers to tidy the grounds around the Church are invited to gather on Tuesday 23rd July at 1:30pm.

The Bible Reading Rota for July – October is in the main vestibule of the Church. If you would like to read the Lessons please put your name against the Sunday of your choice.

The service on Sunday 4th August will begin at 10am and will be followed by the annual open air service at Kirk O’ Muir at 12 noon.

Articles for the autumn edition of The Parishioner should be submitted by Sunday, 11th August. Articles can be emailed to or left in the McMichael Chapel.

The Rev Gary J McIntyre

The Manse

7 Randolph Road

Stirling FK8 2AJ

Tel 01786 474421




“Sing to the Lord of heaven and earth,

whom angels serve and saints adore,

the Father, Son, and Spirit blest

to whom be praise for evermore. Amen”




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