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This Week's Intimations

Intimations Sunday 23rd March 2025


The stated annual meeting of the congregation will be held following the service today.

Self-denial envelopes for Lent are in both vestibules of the Church.

The Tuesday Group Annual General Meeting and lunch will be held in the King Robert Hotel on Tuesday at 12 noon.

There will be a service in Eccles Court on Wednesday at 2pm.

The third in a series of Lent studies will be held in the Church of the Holy Rude on Wednesday at 7pm. The final study will be held on Tuesday 1st April. We are using the New Light ‘Journeying through Lent’ booklet. Copies will be available on Wednesday.

There will be a further time of prayer in the McMichael Chapel following the service next Sunday. Requests for prayer can be attached to the Prayer tree or placed in the box in the McMichael Chapel. Alternatively prayer requests can be made online through the Church website.

An Easter Holiday Club for primary school age children will be held in the Parish Halls on the mornings of Wednesday 9th, Thursday 10th and Friday 11th April. 10am-12:30pm. Registration forms are now available in the vestibule or can be obtained from Gary via email. ( A meeting in connection with the Holiday Club will be held in Park Church on Wednesday at 7:30pm.

There is a box for used stamps in the vestibule.


The Rev Gary J McIntyre

The Manse

7 Randolph Road

Stirling FK8 2AJ

Tel 01786 474421





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